9-1-1 and Address Numbers

Is your address number posted on your home or business where it can be clearly
seen from the street? It’s the law in Oswego County! ALL homeowners and
businesses are required to have their assigned 9-1-1 address number posted on
the structure where it can be clearly seen from the street. If the location of
the structure makes it difficult to be seen from the street, the address number
must be displayed on a post placed near the end of your driveway. Your address
number displayed on your mailbox alone does not meet the requirements of this law.

In an emergency, seconds count! This law is intended to enable emergency services
to locate your address quickly in an emergency.

2018 Annual Drinking Water Quality Report

Copies of the 2018 Annual Drinking Water Quality Report, prepared by the Oswego County Health Department, are available at the Village Hall at 2 Clay Street, Cleveland, NY, during regular office hours Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. (closed from 12:00-12:30 for lunch). Copies will be mailed out to all water customers. The report is also available on the Documents page.